Open Repository

The Premium Repository Solution

Open Repository is the premium full-service SaaS institutional repository solution designed to revolutionize how you manage and showcase your content. With Open Repository, you get more than just a repository; you get a comprehensive suite of advanced tools that will take your repository to new heights.

Open Repository covers everything from cloud hosting, updates & upgrades to the latest DSpace version, maintenance, support and seamless content migration, providing you with a worry-free experience.

rocket out of laptop for open repository


Advanced Features


No Vendor lock-in

Explore Open Repository

Advanced Features

Advanced Features

Open Repository combines all the features of DSpace Express plus the added power of cutting-edge tools and capabilities. Some of the advanced features in Open Repository include:

  • Batch import and export
  • Modification of the submission forms by admin within UI
  • WYSIWYG editors and Static Page creation
  • Integrated Social media sharing
  • Item & Search exports
  • Highlight your top publications
  • Citation counts
  • Metadata-driven query suggestions
rocket for advanced features in open repository
Content Migration

Content Migration

Transitioning from your current system no longer needs to be challenging! At Atmire, we understand the importance of preserving your valuable content and ensuring a seamless transfer. Our experienced team ensures a swift and successful migration.

We have standardized migration packages for platforms such as:

  • DSpace
  • Bepress Digital Commons
  • ContentDM
  • EPrints
  • Figshare

Thanks to our extensive experience with migrations, we can also offer migration services to import your content from other locations.

cab or taxi driver for migration of content


Open Repository offers a range of branding options, allowing you to personalize logos, colors, and layouts to align with your institution's branding guidelines.

Additionally, Open Repository also provides WYSIWYG editors and Static Page creation.

pencil for branding and theming of repository colours and interface

Unparalleled Versatility

We understand that repositories host a diverse range of content, and that's why our platform is optimized to host all sorts of materials. Whether it's Research, Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs), Open Access Journals, Digital or Digitized Archives, Digital Collections, or Datasets – we've got you covered.

Data Repository

Data Repository

Optimized for data hosting, Open Repository offers a robust and user-friendly environment to store, organize, share, and effortlessly upload your valuable data, including the ability to handle very large files. Whether you're a researcher, scientist, or organization, Open Repository efficiently showcases your datasets

entity connection for datasets or data for data repository functionality
Author/Researcher profile

Author/Researcher profile

Put your researchers in the spotlight by enabling Author/Researcher profiles. Enable authors and researchers to have their own dedicated space to showcase their unique content, publications, and expertise.

person profiles in repository
Journal & Research entities

Journal & Research entities

Optimized specifically for journal hosting and research linking, Open Repository offers a cohesive experience by combining journal, volume, issue, and publications, but also organizational units and research projects.

With Open Repository, you can elevate your repository experience and provide a user-friendly interface that enhances the visibility and relationships of your publications with related entities.

puzzle pieces describing journal & Research entities

Popular features

statistics and usage in dspace express

Analytics & Reporting

integrations in open repository


audio and video streaming

Multimedia & Document Streaming

Contact Us

Get in Touch

Get in touch with us for more information about Open Repository or to see a demo.

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