New features for DSpace 5 and 6 ORCID integration

October 22, 2019
Open RepositoryDSpace ExpressCustom DSpace
REST API extensions, allowing you to view and manipulate ORCiDs on DSpace items, ORCID iD badges next to author names and advanced search support, are now available in a new open source patch thanks to KAUST.

KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) has issued a new DSpace patch that significantly extends default features available in ORCID integrated DSpace repositories. The patch, developed by Atmire, is designed to support the use cases of KAUST’s own Institutional ORCID integration open source software, offering institutions a way to support the use of ORCID iDs by their researchers and students.

Feature overview

The DSpace expanded-ORCID-support patch offers an expansion of the default DSpace REST API, item display and discovery features. It features:

  • new ways of viewing, adding and updating person authorities through the REST API
  • clear identification of ORCID affiliated authors by exposing the ORCID iD icon on the item page
  • advanced searching based on ORCID iD

overview of the KAUST features added to the DSpace ORCID REST API

Get started with this patch today, on your DSpace 5.9+ or 6.3+ repository. Installation instructions and additional details can be found on the patch’s dedicated GitHub page.

This Open Source work was recently featured on the ORCID blog:

It has been exciting to see the use of ORCID iDs spread through the scholarly ecosystem. We often are introducing ORCID to students or other researchers and find not only that they already have an ORCID iD, but that they have used it with systems or in ways that we didn’t even know about before. Preservation and Digital Services Manager, Mohamed Ba-Essa and Digital Repository Lead, Daryl Grenz


For more information on the DSpace expanded-ORCID-support patch features and installation, contact your Atmire representative or send us an email.

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