From DSpace-GLAM to Open Repository: John Cabot University’s new repository choice

February 21, 2025
Case Study
john cabot university joins atmire
Open RepositoryDSpace ExpressCustom DSpace
We’re excited to welcome John Cabot University as a new client! The university has transitioned from DSpace-GLAM to Atmire’s Open Repository.

John Cabot University (JCU) is a private American university located in Rome, Italy. To support its academic community and ensure long-term access to its scholarly output, JCU established ScholarShip, its institutional repository. ScholarShip serves as a dedicated online platform for archiving, organizing, preserving, and sharing the digital scholarship produced by faculty and students.

When selecting a repository solution, JCU prioritized having greater control over its system, ensuring that administrators had the necessary tools and flexibility to manage content effectively. This need for autonomy and advanced administrative functionalities led JCU to migrate to Open Repository. Open Repository empowers repository administrators by putting them in the driver's seat, offering a wide range of management tools and oversight capabilities. This level of control allows JCU to tailor its repository to meet the specific needs of its academic community while ensuring the long-term accessibility and sustainability of its digital assets.

Discover the repository here:

ScholarShip's UI

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